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We will display publications that are related to MIEP throughout this page. Glance through and be updated!

Constitution of Society - MIEP

Act 346 - Wills Act 1959

Act 97 -Probate and Administration Act 1959

Act 300 - Distribution Act 1958

Act 351 - Guardianship of Infants Act 1961

Act 424 - Powers of Attorney Act 1949

Act 39 - Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1971

Act 360 - Insolvency Act 1967

Act 378 - Stamp Act 1949

Act 169 - Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976

Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) Rates

Taxation of Trusts

Act 758 - Financial Services Act 2013 and

Islamic Financial Services Act 2013:

Act 303 - Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) Act 1984

Act 505 -Administration of Islamic Law (Federal Territories) Act 1993

Islamic Family Law (Selangor) Enactment 2003


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